Amish sheds, camps, buildings for sale in Maine.

Looking for something low cost and sturdy that is brand new? The Maine Amish sheds, camps, buildings come in a variety of styles and colors. The cost of the Amish buildings in Maine are low priced too.
This blog post provides information on Amish sheds, camps, buildings for sale.
The Amish all in one pre-made buildings that are used for storage, part time recreation and full time residential use. They have a slew of uses and are well built. The Amish buildings can be enhanced by the Amish at “the factory” of onsite by the DIY types. Folks that are hands on, have power or hand tool experience.
The Amish buildings are idea mini homes that provide instant shelter for anyone on a budget.

I have seen a couple of locally made Amish buildings used in tandem.
More than one Amish building unit combined to create individual living “wings” . One say 14′ x 20′ Amish shed for the kitchen/dining/living are and another the same size for bedrooms, maybe a bath.
The Amish sheds, camps, buildings for sale brochure even provides a selection of privies in all colors and styles.
“OUTHOUSES … Need a place to go?” That’s the question asked on the latest Amish product brochure I studied preparing the blog post research today. Someone has a sense of humor. Realizing we all have to make “nature calls”. Many Amish sheds are used for garages too!

Many of our Maine land buyers need a structure. Unless they are bringing up a camper trailer or RV to use as a camp up in Maine, they ask what would it cost to build a camp or cabin?
There are lots of very talented local craftsmen to build a recreational retreat in our area.
Here’s another Amish built shed turned into a home that we recently sold with 75 acres of Maine land.
Lucky to have local log home and cabin makers in my area of Maine too.
Ward Log Cedar Homes in Houlton, Katahdin Cedar Log Homes in Oakfield are right in by backyard.

Barry Ivey is another local log home consultant who lives in Ludlow Maine. Gary Brewer and his sons have a mill in Ludlow that cranks out log cabins, camps, homes to assemble on your site too. Check out his Maine Cedar site .
The Amish buildings for sale in Maine are built round the clock.
Not a kit to go together like the log ones. You see a pasture field in Smyrna Maine that is covered with gambrel and gable style roof lines. The Amish sheds and camp buildings have a dozen colors to pick from for roof and even siding.
If you don’t go with pine wood siding that is the most popular, vertical metal is one option.
The gambrel roof is a classic barn style with built in shelving along both sides. The gable style is like a house roof, with more design possibilities. The full 7 foot high walls give more wall space for windows, doors, shelves.

The gable truss design is best for added strength for greater snow loads. I own a gambrel roof line 100′ Maine farm barn and this design can squat if not property supported. My barn has hurricane bracing, cables added to keep everything where it should be inside the structure.

The Amish sheds camps or storage sheds in Maine have lots of extra optional features too.
Order like you would at a fast food window without the high tech element. Like have it your way for added fixings to enhance the look and functionality of the Amish building.

Do you want heavier floors and a roll up door because you plan to drive vehicles in and out? A storage shed used as a garage means add ramps, maybe insulate the walls. Or for a work shop, add a chimney or heating vents.
Like ordering a car on an assembly line, you can check off the boxes for added Amish shed features for very little extra money.
You can even get higher walls on your Gambrel design if desired. Your call. Standard door might be $100 each. But you want a nine light fiberglass one. Add a couple extra hundred dollars.
What size Amish building window, how wide is the roll up door, is there a porch on one end or in the middle, etc. How much insulation or do you want just a shell? Ridge skylight a good idea so you can see without power?
The Amish work on a pretty low overhead and if they can make a little something on a product, that’s good enough.
These Amish buildings or sheds are ideal horse barns, bunk houses, produce sale outlets, for play houses, garden tool storage. The sheds create quick and easy shelters or work shops or animal shelters. Ideal buildings for chicken houses.
Gazebos, rustic furniture also part of the beyond storage shed vision of many Maine Amish settlements.
The Amish settlements in Maine don’t have a camp cabin storage building website.
Sometimes there is a phone number all the Amish families share. The one I have for Sturdi-bilt Storage Buildings is 207-757-7877. There Amish buildings are made and sold at 2863 US Route 2, Smyrna ME 04780.
The Sturdi Bilt Amish buildings are created in two large workshops. Handcrafted products hammered out by an eight person crew. That crew from the 20 families surrounding Smyrna settlement. 1996 was when this oldest in Maine Amish settlement started.
Most Amish families use lots of place settings at meal time.
Ten kids or more is not uncommon in a typical Maine Amish household.
The Amish can arrange delivery of the camp, storage sheds right to your local Northern Maine land site too. They have arrangements made for the Amish shed building delivery within the Southern Aroostook County area.
So much per mile, depending on the what width and length of the Amish building you buy is determines the cabin shed hauling delivery fee.
To haul it further, I can help you figure out someone with a flatbed or that could hook on with a trailer to haul it down to you. Small Maine towns are like that. Someone knows someone that can help you out and the grapevine is very efficient on the local Maine community level.
Leveling and positioning help, blocks to set it on, an hourly rate to do more is possible with the Amish shed you buy.

The metal roof on the Amish storage sheds that may be turned into a camp or other use is 29 gauge. That metal has a 40 year limited variety too. I put the Amish metal on my big barn roof this past year. Had the silver aerators painted shiny silver before the black colored metal was put on in long sheets.
A lot of people since the COVID pandemic have invested in Maine land.
Many have relocated to Maine to run away from crowded not so safe city living. When real estate inventory of existing homes and lake camps, etc gets over tapped, building happens. Maine land that needs you to BYOB (bring your own building) is ideal for those DIY’ers in the real estate audience.
Hope this blog post on Amish buildings information on sheds, camps, cabins is helpful.
Portable, customizable sheds. There are lots of Amish settlements around Maine but not all of them push the storage shed buildings. Many in the Unity Maine area are farmers not carpenters. They grow fine organic food and have livestock to sell.

MOOERS REALTY sold land to the Smyrna and East Hodgdon Maine Amish settlements.
Back when they were getting started. More are popping up around Maine due to the low cost Maine farm land ideal for homesteading. These cabins are like tiny houses but that is a whole other topic for another day.
Why lease a rental storage unit for years and waste money? Buy an Amish building for a storage area to protect your belonging that is owned not rented.
The Amish storage sheds used for camps or cabins or garages can be pretty big and not so tiny.
All depends on the size of your wallet, the only limiting factor buying an Amish shed building.