Frequently asked questions, this is the section of our Maine real estate website where it’s time for Q & A.

All of us benefit from asking questions, getting answers. No one wants to wait for answers. Everyone needs the ability to ask questions and along with the explanation to get helpful links to add more valuable information on the topic.
Waiting around to get answers to any of the FAQ list a Maine real estate buyer or seller prepares.
No one should have to do that. This page of the Own Maine Real Estate website hits the highlights of the most common FAQ.
But besides the garden variety top ten questions needing answering, this is not all you get. Contacting us with further questions not covered on this page is highly encouraged. Because your questions are probably not unique to you.

Others in our Maine real estate audience are after the same knowledge. I will double back and update this frequently asked question page and please consider it a working document.
Probably the number one question asked online, over the phone or via emails, is Maine weather. What is your northern Maine weather like? How many inches of snow does Aroostook County get. How hot hot hot are your summers in Maine? Frequently asked questions. Do you have black flies? How bad does it get. Lots of old tired myths online to clear up and correct.
A close second frequently asked question is what is the length of the growing seasons if I buy a Maine agricultural farming property listing?
Question three most asked is about crime. Maine is the 4th lowest crime state and Arooostook County where I live is half again of that pretty impressive statistic. Less people, more respect for other folk’s property instilled while growing up in our local family households.
Locked doors, no trespassing signs, security gates. Like billboards, you don’t find a lot of those in Maine. After a real estate closing with an out of state land buyer, when they ask where is the nearest hardware store.
I smile and ask are you thinking of posting your Maine land?
Toying with trying to stop the snow sled or ATV trail users from crossing your Maine land? But wanting to explore and use other folk’s land that has existing recreational trails? I remind them, you may need that protection in the state where you live but not in Maine. Land use is a privilege not a right.
Getting the idea that it is not just Q & A about real estate but what’s it like living there in Maine?
It is tell me a story of what your World is like. Up here in the corner of the country on the Canadian border on two sides, the Atlantic Ocean on another twisting, turning, rocky watery one. Frequently asked questions. What are the people like, what do you do for fun, is there a Walmart in Houlton Maine ?
What about jobs, employment, labor or career opportunities in the Houlton Maine area?

Not everyone moving, relocating to Northern Maine is flush with cash, retiring and they need to know about work, jobs, southern Aroostook County Maine employment.
And believe it or not, this question comes up before the real estate ones pour in needing clarification.

Is it dangerous living that close to the Canadian border?
Really? No, it is not. Being a Maine border town with Canada is a perk. A two nation vacation bonus if you are buying Maine recreational real estate.
My Dad’s mom was 100 percent pure Canadian. No matter which side of the International border you live, Mainers and Canadians are related by blood. We travel back and forth and enjoy benefits each sides of the boundary line provide us.
Other common frequently asked questions this Maine real estate broker fields on a daily basis.
How does owner financing Maine property work? Lots of Maine land listings especially are bought with easy owner financing terms offered by the sellers.

Sometimes instead of answering direct questions, there is some friendly Maine real estate advice shared as the connection grows stronger. Local Maine bank mortgage borrowing for money ends up working so much faster, cheaper, easier than big outside lenders.
Schools, where will my children get their education and which district serves what area of Northern Maine? Questions about home schooling, the quality of the education are a big concern to anyone with a family in the big move to Maine.
The village helps raise the kids in small town Maine communities too.
Everyone has a role in preparing the youngsters for the big wild World they will enter someday. Young adults will need all the real World education and a solid skill set, a work ethic and creative spirit to not just survive but to have a quality of life. One full of valuable lessons and experiences they pass on to their children to prepare them the same way.
Frequently asked questions about Northern Maine, southern Aroostook County.
Please reach out and let’s connect to bring you up to speed about anything you have questions about today. This website is NOT just the latest Maine real estate property listings. Lots more than just a what’s for sale and buyer, seller real estate resource portal.