Welcome to the Own Maine Real Estate property listing website.

I’m Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers.
My job to help you buy and sell real estate but also to be helpful navigating your way around this website and the Southern Aroostook County area of Maine. A big part of our mission helping you is to provide local community Maine information. To explain the process of buying and selling Maine real estate today and setting realistic expectations.
Small town living is friendlier, more personal and volunteering is big in Northern Maine.
I love living in the Aroostook County town of Houlton Maine.

What’s it like living here is just as big a part of our job as bringing you fast and complete details on all the Maine real estate listings.
Family run, MOOERS REALTY started out in 1976 as a Strout Realty real estate office.
E.A Strout was from Readfield Maine. Back in 1900 he realized folks move to cities but many long for the country way of living. His famous Strout catalog was loaded with low cost Maine real estate offerings along with other USA states “All Across America”.
We learned a lot from the years being one of 25 Strout real estate offices in Maine.
But real estate franchises can be expensive and limiting on where you can put your resources to achieve the best results.
So now as an independent real estate office, applying what we learned in the years under the Strout brokerage office shingle, we can utilize new ways to do our job to serve you better. How we do Maine real estate is reinvented daily. The learning curve to flatten never ends to improve and deliver better Maine real estate service.

Our goal is to provide more detailed Maine real estate resources than you can find anywhere else on the Internet.
Local information, the real estate process explained is just as important as the detail on Maine property listings.
But the number of images, the property details, a video, plat map, terrain or soil conservation map, floor plans. All those help complete your property listing information exchange from my end to wherever you are on the planet. Saving you time, money, frustration.
As the local who lives her, sharing everything I can to make you not feel like a stranger or out of the loop.
That’s my job. To match you up not sell your something. To find you what you need today.
What would I want if I was a buyer or seller of Maine real estate?
That’s always considered through out our over 41 years as a real estate broker. More complete information up front and not making you the buyer wait for answers to important questions.
Knowing upfront all the details saves all of us time. So you the buyer can sort through and know the differences between property listings. So you see more property listings for sale in Maine and make way way better informed buying decisions.

Time is money. Delay is frustrating and everyone in the Maine real estate website audience just wants to know how does this listing differ from that one?
Thank you for finding the Own Maine Real Estate website. I am extremely lucky to live where I do and want to share all the neat things about the Northern Maine area. Real estate listing buying and selling is just part of why I do and why for over four decades.

Welcome to Aroostook County Maine.
How can I help you today? First time home buyer who feels overwhelmed with financing and just wants to be pointed in the right financing direction? Or no longer using a piece of property and wondering about what the real estate is worth? How to go about getting an estate property listed for sale? Or how to buy when you need to sell your own home first?
Just want an affordable piece of Maine real estate to call your own?
Maine land is a big part of what MOOERS REALTY has always been about. Farm it, use it for vacations, develop the Maine land. Here to help you do all that and much more.
Maine real estate listings in all prices, types, locations.
Please reach out and here to serve you! Ready when you are buying, selling, trading.